Setting Computer Status.
When a computer is in normal status, normal events will
occur in the client station.
-Lock screen will show up on the client station when a user has been
logged out, time limit has been reached, or user has reached 0
deposit when in prepaid payment type.
-Lock screen will be deactivated when a user has been logged in,
time limit has been extended/set to open time, continued a logged
out user, or added deposit to user who reached 0 deposit when in
prepaid payment type.
-User time will run.

This status will lock the client station and cannot do
anything on the station.
-If a user has been logged in, the time will still run.

This status will deactivate the lock screen on the client
station and events in Normal status will not apply.
-User can still use the station.
-If a user has been logged in, the time will still run.

Out of order
This status will lock the client station displaying "Out of
order" message and cannot do anything on the station.
-If a user has been logged in, the time will still run.