Installing Krisan Cafe
When download completes, you can click "Open
Containing Folder" to copy/move the setup file to
the location you want.
You will use the downloaded KrisanCafeSetup.exe file in installing the server and client program.
(You should install Krisan Cafe Server on
Administrator User.)
If you are not logged on to your Administrator User, please close the setup file, log off and log on to your Administrator User and run KrisanCafeSetup.exe again. For Windows Vista and later, UAC dialog box may appear, just click Yes.
The Server Installer will appear.
If you are using other 3rd party firewall, please add Krisan Cafe Server to the exception list.
(For Windows Vista and above, you should
install the Client Program on Administrator User.
The Client Program will be available to all Users.)
The Client Installer will appear.
![]() If you are running Windows Vista or above and your User Account Control is enabled, the following screen appears:
Click "Yes, Disable UAC" if you agree to disable your UAC setting, otherwise click "Disable later in Server". To turn off UAC manually: If you are using third-party firewall like ZoneAlarm and other alike program, please add Krisan Cafe Client to the exception list. To launch Krisan Cafe Client (for the first time), click the icon in your All Programs menu within the Krisan Cafe Client folder: ![]() A settings dialog will appear. Please set the required following settings:
Do these client installation steps to install Krisan Cafe
Client on all your client stations.
Congratulations — you have successfully installed the Krisan
Cafe Server and Krisan Cafe Client.
Next, run the Krisan Cafe Server.
Click YES if ask for Administrator right. (Windows Vista and up only)
To avoid the UAC Administrator right prompt
every time Krisan Cafe starts, please turn off
your UAC at the Control Panel->User Accounts and
Family Safety . (Windows Vista and up only)
Drag the slider to the lowest level and click
When running for the first time, you need to Set Cafe Name.