Video Tutorials

Knowing your server’s computer name

(You need to enter the server’s computer name in client settings)

Disabling UAC in Windows Vista and later

Summing up group of users’ total bill

(to multiple select users (grid and icon view only), press CTRL key while clicking the user)

Repositioning Computers

(Hold right mouse button and drag)

Log in guests with Item View’s Easy UI

Log in guests in open time

Log in members in open time

Setting time limit of users with Item View’s Easy UI

Setting time limit of users (adding time, custom, open…)

(to multiple select users (grid and icon view only), press CTRL key while clicking the user)

Transferring users by dragging

Swapping users’ computer by dragging

Charging users for products and services

Adding products and services to the quick add sale list

(Charging users for products and services)

Sending files to client computer

Sending files to server

Adjusting the login info pop up delay

Setting Krisan Cafe Server’s Windows 8, 10 and 11 Compatibility

(Follow this procedure so that Krisan Cafe Server will run in Windows 8, 10 or 11 without crashes)

Setting Krisan Cafe Client’s Windows 8, 10 and 11 Compatibility

(Follow this procedure so that Krisan Cafe Client will run in Windows 8, 10 or 11 without crashes)