Version 3.4.1 (February 26, 2021)
- Fixed: License code resetting in version 3.4.0.

Version 3.4.0 (February 25, 2021)
- Server minor fixes.
- Client MSINET.OCX error on Windows 10 has been fixed. (Clients must be updated to 3.4.0)

Version 3.3.0 (February 14, 2020)
-Added DATA.MDB realtime backup feature. (See in Settings-Settings/Data Backup and Restore)
-Fixed: Auto Pay option will not work if there's no operator logged in.
-Other minor fixes.
-Some fixes on client. (Clients must be updated to 3.3.0)

Version 3.2.1 (June 15, 2019)
-Some bug fixes.

Version 3.2.0 (May 16, 2019)
-Added VIP rate feature. (See in Settings-Computer VIP Rent Type)
-Fixed: Closing time shutdown warning on clients when Krisan server is restarted.
-Fixed: Guest Prepaid Login buttons accessible even no operator/employee logged in.
-Fixed: Money and Time Deposit buttons accessible even no operator/employee logged in.
-Fixed: Custom time limit button accessible even no operator/employee logged in.
-Added four additional time deposit quick buttons in computers main screen for VIP rent type.
-Can now add new users from SETTINGS-OPERATORS/EMPLOYEES.
-Other minor fixes.

Version 3.1.1 (December  13, 2018)
-Fixed: Krisan Cafe Server may autoclose after log in.

Version 3.1.0 (December 12, 2018)
-Added MultiBranch feature (Optional). Members can now log in on different branch (Prepaid Time Deposit based). (See EDIT USER/Right click user in USERS)
-Added Vacant list in Soon to time window.
-Added Closing Time (Auto shutdown client computers). (See in Settings-System)
-Prepaid tickets will now automatically activate/add to sales when logged in if Prepaid Ticket Activation is disabled.
-"Select all" added to Client Security-Other Windows Functions.
-Reset Points added in Settings-Usergroups.
-Fixed: Client random shutdown/restart/sleep/closing running applications when logged out/paid if "When logged out" / "When paid" in Settings-Client Options is set to Shutdown/Restart/Sleep/Close running applications.
-Added additional security for system date roll back when Krisan Cafe is not running.
-Fixed: Computer Grid View headers position may be different on next program start.
-Client mini bill will now pop up menus when right clicked. (Clients must be updated to 3.1.0)
-Fixed: Task Manager may cause Krisan Cafe server program to crash on Windows 8 and above.
-Operator Logs improved. Can now use for manual auditing.
-Products Stock has been moved to Reports menu.
-Added Products Stock to Online Sales Report.
-Added Computer Usage to Online Sales Report.
-Added Operator Logs to Online Sales Report.
-Added System Logs to Online Sales Report.
-Added Server Uptime to Online Sales Report.
-Other important fixes.

Version 3.0.1 (July 17, 2018)
-Added "Disable Client-Server Connection Notice" in Settings-System.
-Other important fixes.

Version 3.0 (July 16, 2018)
-Added "Online Detailed Status" feature. Saves detailed status to online storage like Dropbox and OneDrive. (See in Settings-Regional, Currency and Others)
-Added Membership Fee. (See in Settings-Pricing, Products and Services)
-Added client protection for End Process Tree in task manager. (Clients must be updated to 3.0)
-Added "No Insert/Remove log" option in Settings-Client Security-USB Storage.
-Added "Disable AMOUNT entry in Add Deposit Screen when in Time Deposit" option. (See in Settings-Other Time Options)
-Added Soon To Time Window. For used with multiple monitor setup. (See in View-Show Soon To Time Window)
-Can now delete all users in current usergroup in Users list.
-Will now pop up important notice related to client-server connection.
-Other important fixes.

Version 2.0.4 (January 29, 2017)
-Can now set the guest prepaid login buttons to money or time deposit.
-Other important fixes.

Version 2.0.3 (December 4, 2016)
-Error in version 2.0.2 has been fixed.

Version 2.0.2 (December 4, 2016)
-Prepaid time deposit login related fix.

Version 2.0.1 (December 3, 2016)
-Added option to prompt operator's password when awarding from points. (See in Award->Edit Awards screen)
-Added option to prompt user's password when awarding from points. (See in Award->Edit Awards screen)
-Other important fixes.

Version 2.0 (December 1, 2016)
-Added "Prepaid Ticket Activation" option. Activating tickets will automatically add to sales its specified sale price. (See in Settings-Other Time Options) (Clients must be updated to 2.0)
-Can now change Computers position to left or right. (See in View-Computers position to left/View-Computers position to right)
-Added Time Deposit buttons in main screen.
-Added Time Deposit buttons in users screen.
-Added Guest Prepaid Login (Time Deposit) buttons in main screen.
-Added "Can set Money/Time Deposit buttons and Prepaid Login buttons" employee permission.
-Added "Prevent System Time change" feature. (See in Settings-System)
-Can now add picture to members. (See in Edit User screen)
-Added "Reset Deposits" option in Usergroups (Member) settings. If enabled, member's money/time deposit will be reset to 0 if member's account is inactive.
-Can now copy products and services pricing from one usergroup to another.
-Can now copy products and services pricing from one usergroup+category to another usergroup.
-Added "Disable On Hold to logins with To Pay > 0" option in Other Time Options.
-Awarding of users from points will now ask for user's password.
-Added "Activated" status filter in Prepaid Tickets screen.
-Added date activated filter in Prepaid Tickets screen.
-Added "Price" and "Date Activated" columns in Prepaid Tickets screen.
-Added total tickets and total price info in Prepaid Tickets screen.
-Added large Prepaid Ticket button in main screen.
-Reset Free Minutes in Edit User screen will also reset Free Minutes Counter.
-Prepaid Ticket number reduced to 5 digits.
-"Can login user" employee permission is now disabled in default employee permissions.
-"Can view tickets" employee permission is now enabled in default employee permissions.
-Auto pay check box has been removed from main screen.
-Anti-Backtime option has been removed.
-Other important fixes.

Version 1.9.0 (July 28, 2016)
-Can now extend Prepaid Ticket from other Prepaid Ticket in client main bill window. (More-Ticket Extend) (Clients must be updated to 1.9)
-Added Points info in client main bill screen. Not visible on guest users. (Clients must be updated to 1.9)
-Can now easily locate a specific permission in Operator Permissions screen by typing its few starting words in the search box.
-Can now edit Time Deposit in Edit Time/Amount screen.
-"Time Deposit edits" operation filter has been added to the Operator Logs in logs.
-"Time/Amount edits" operation filter has been added to the Operator Logs in logs.
-Added "Computer" column in On Hold Users list.
-Added "Operator" column in On Hold Users list.
-Added "Delete" button in On Hold Users screen.
-Added "Delete All" button in On Hold Users screen.
-Added "Can delete on hold users" employee permission.
-Other minor fixes.

Version 1.8.9 (March 30, 2016)
-Added "Reset Points" button in Edit User screen.
-Added "Chat window on top" option in View menu.
-Righ-clicking on postpaid limit buttons in Computer frame will prompt to add money deposit.
-Client's chat message to server will not be accepted if it's the same as the last one.

Version 1.8.8 (September 1, 2015)
-Restrict Drives security feature is back. (See in Settings->Client Security-Other Windows Functions) (Clients must be updated to 1.8.8)
-Added Operator column in Logins report.
-Added Operator filter in Logins report.
-Added multiselect support in Add Deposit.
-Fixed: Paused login will not lock client(target computer) if transferred. (Clients must be updated to 1.8.8)
-Fixed: Turned On status bug.

Version 1.8.7 (August 1, 2015)
Build 8.10.2015
-Added Logout alarm sound.
-Added "Alarm only once on logout" option in Client Options. (See in Settings->Client Settings-Options)
-Added soon to time list in main screen.
Build 8.1.2015
-Fixed: Client password may reset if Krisan Server is shut down.
-Added 'Add client lockscreen delay' option. (See in Settings-Other Time Options) (Clients must be updated to 1.8.7)
-Other minor fixes.

Version 1.8.6 (July 3, 2015)
Build 7.13.2015
-Added 'Prevent Windows from killing Krisan Cafe Client when shutting down' option in Client Security settings. (See in Settings-Client Settings-Security) (Clients must be updated to 1.8.6 Build 7.13.2015)
-Added 'Hide Shutdown and Restart buttons' option in Client Interface settings. (See in Settings-Client Settings-Interface) (Clients must be updated to 1.8.6 Build 7.13.2015)
Build 7.10.2015
-Online Sales Report uploading has been improved.
-Minor fixes on client program. (Clients must be updated to 1.8.6 Build 7.10.2015)
Build 7.3.2015
-Can now print current logins. (See in View-Print Logins)
-"Automatic E-mail of Sales Report" feature has been changed to "Online Sales Report".
-Can now download sales report at
-Added Detailed Products/Services Sales to Online Sales Report.
-Added Expenses/Cash Out to Online Sales Report.
-Added password recovery feature. (See in Login screen-Forgot password?) (e-mail address must be set in user account)
-Added option to disable Money Deposit on Prepaid Login. (See in Settings-Pricing, Products and Services)
-Added option to hide Total Cash status. (See in Settings-Interface)
-Added "Non-guest Time Deposit usage minimum" option. (See in Settings-Other Time Options)
-Fixed: Krisan Client can be terminated if shutting down windows (via Shutdown menu/Case power button) while there are unsaved files (ex. unsaved document in MS Word) then clicking the CANCEL button. (Clients must be updated to 1.8.6)
-Added Shutdown and Restart button to client's lock screen. (Clients must be updated to 1.8.6)
-Other minor fixes.

Version 1.8.5 (June 11, 2015)
-Added option to disallow rent type in adding time deposit. (See in Edit Rent Type screen)
-Additional quick money deposit button.
-Added multiselect support in adding bonus minutes.
-Added option to pause user's time if client is offline. (See in Settings-Other Time Options)
-Added option to pause (lock) client if client is offline. (See in Settings-Other Time Options) (Clients must be updated to 1.8.5)
-Added option to resume user's time if client is online. (See in Settings-Other Time Options)
-Added option to disable user login (from server) if client is offline. (See in Settings-Other Time Options)
-Fixed: Free minutes will not reset if consumed (when user is previously on prepaid login).
-Other minor fixes.

Version 1.8.4 (May 12, 2015)
-Free Time Deposit will now work on newly created users.
-User computer restrictions will now apply in server's Login User screen.
-User computer restrictions will now apply in Preset Login.
-User computer restrictions will now apply when transferring computer.
-User computer restrictions will now apply when swapping computers.
-Other important fixes.

Version 1.8.3 (April 8, 2015)
Build 4.22.2015
-Fixed: Server Program Restriction feature not working. Hehe it's working now :)
Build 4.21.2015
-Added Server Program Restriction feature. (See in Settings-Server Program Restrictions)
-Added option to restrict rent type to be logged in in postpaid or prepaid only. (See in Edit Rent Type screen)
-Added second default time. (See in Edit Rent Type screen)
-Added option to disable setting of time limit to prepaid login. (See in Settings-Other Time Options)
-Added "Can change rent type" employee permission.
Build 4.8.2015
-Client screen locking has been improved. (Clients must be updated to 1.8.3)
-Members can now launch the Gamesaver feature at the client main bill window. (More->Gamesaves menu) (Clients must be updated to 1.8.3)
-Can now restrict computers to user accounts. (See in Edit User screen)
-Can now set (daily/any day) free time deposit to user accounts. Useful for employee benefits. (See in Edit User screen)
-Added "Can restrict computers to user accounts" employee permission.
-Added "Can restrict set free time deposit to user accounts" employee permission.
-Fixed: Members will expire even when the Enable Expiration option is not checked.

Version 1.8.2 (March 7, 2015)
Build 3.22.2015
-Fixed: Awarding from points may not work or award to other user.
Build 3.18.2015
-Added "Do not display advance alert window" option in Client Options. (See in Settings->Client Settings-Options)
-Added "Alarm only once on time over" option in Client Options. (See in Settings->Client Settings-Options)
-Added "Do not display time over window" option in Client Options. (See in Settings->Client Settings-Options)
-Reduced JPEG save file size on Server Screen Snapshot feature.
-Minor fixes.
Build 3.8.2015
-Added multiselect support in adding printings (Printings screen) to sales or user.
-Minor fixes.
Build 3.7.2015
-You can now monitor your employees' screen activity (See in Settings-Regional, Currency and Others - Server Screen Snapshot)
-Fixed: Printings screen may lock up if you click Delete button.

Version 1.8.1 (February 28, 2015)
-Can now monitor status online. (See in Settings-Regional, Currency and Others)
-Added option to disable Time Deposit on Postpaid Guest. (See in Settings-Pricing, Products and Services)
-Added Time In, Minutes, To Pay, and Time Out details for cancels in Operator Logs.
-Added "Reset Money Deposit", "Reset Time Deposit", and "Reset Free Minutes" button in Edit User screen.
-Added Quick Money Deposit buttons. (See besides Deposit button)
-Can now automatically change default rent type based on time. (See in Settings-Rent Types, "Default Time" column)
-Added option to disable changing of default rent type in DEFAULT RENT TYPE combobox. (See in Settings-Rent Types)
-Added multiselect support in Preset Login.
-Added Logins Topay to status bar.

Version 1.8.0 (January 15, 2015)
-Can now backup settings that are saved in registry.
-Can now backup settings/data from Tools menu.
-Can now restore settings/data from Tools menu.
-Can now try to repair database if found corrupted or damaged.
-Can now reset data from Tools Menu.
-"Optimize Database file" added in Tools menu.
-"Set default employee permissions" added. (See in Operator Permissions screen)
-Added multiselect login support in "Quick Log In Guest (Postpaid)" menu.
-Can now set top and left position of client frame boxes. (See in Settings-Client Settings-Interface) (Clients must be updated to 1.8.0)

Version 1.7.7 (December 17, 2014)
Build 12.22.2014
-Fixed: When user's seconds is near 60, adding deposit may delay or add up twice.
-Fixed: When user's seconds is near 60, awarding deposit to user from points may delay or add up twice.
-Fixed: When user's seconds is near 60, points deduction may not work.
-Fixed: When user's seconds is near 60, points addition may add up twice.
-Other important fixes and improvements.
Build 12.17.2014
-Fixed some issues on Scheduled Rate.
-Added "Can set custom rate" employee permission.
-Fixed: Reg error on clients when shutting down. (Clients must be updated to 1.7.7 Build 12.17.2014)
-Fixed: Disconnecting client (lan cable unplug) for a couple of minutes and connecting again (lan cable plug) will add up minutes to the user.
-Other fixes.

Version 1.7.6 (November 28, 2014)
Build 12.6.2014
-Fixed: User will have negative points if previously awarded and login is cancelled or the added products/services are deleted.
Build 12.3.2014
-Fixed: Password dialog not accepting 15 characters when entering settings and shutting down Krisan server by the shutdown icon button.
Build 12.2.2014
-Can now cancel remaining deposit and add new time/money deposit value (edit deposit). (See in Add Deposit screen)
-Added "Can cancel remaining deposit" employee permission.
-Fixed: (Prepaid dynamic rate) Members can login even if they have no time and money deposit.
-Fixed: "Restrict Youporn" and "Restrict Youtube" template buttons value in Website/Program Restriction don't have ending asterisk character making it not to block.
Build 11.29.2014
-Important fixes.
Build 11.28.2014
-Auto set system time feature added. (See in Settings-System)
-Can now transfer attachment. (See in Add Attachment screen)
-Website/Program restriction has been improved. (Clients must be updated to 1.7.6 Build 11.28.2014)
-Added presets to Website/Program restriction.
-Can now copy permissions to/from users. (See in Operator Permissions screen)
-Can now set default deposit type in Add Deposit screen.
-Fixed: Computer Rentals and Sales report will close if a user has been paid.

Version 1.7.5 (November 8, 2014)
Build 11.18.2014
-Fixed: "Selected user is not logged out" error on Auto Pay feature.
-Minor fixes.
Build 11.15.2014
-Can now simultaneously prepaid login selected computers. (Prepaid button and Quick Log In Guest (Prepaid) menu)
-Added option to auto pay when logged out. (See in Settings-Pricing, Products and Services)
-Client-side registration birthdate error has been fixed. (Clients must be updated to 1.7.5 Build 11.15.2014)
-Scheduled Rate will login on postpaid only.
-Added Time Deposit info to tooltip text pop up.
Build 11.8.2014
-Can now simultaneously set note selected users.
-Awards editing screen added. (See in Settings-Usergroups)
-Award user (from Points) screen added. (See in Users tab)
-Remote Desktop position bug (appears hidden) has been fixed.
-Fixed: Clicking the "Website Restriction" button will ask password.
-Added "Can edit awards" employee permission.
-Added "Can award users" employee permission.
-Client-side registration issue has been fixed.
-Minor fixes.

Version 1.7.4 (September 25, 2014)
Build 10.10.2014
-Time Deposit feature has been improved.
Build 10.7.2014
-Minutes will now run even if there is Time Deposit.
Build 10.1.2014
-Minor fixes.
Build 9.26.2014
- Fixed: Add Time/Money Deposit will always use Guest usergroup in calculating amount/minutes.
Build 9.25.2014
-Added Time Deposit feature.
-Fixed: Slight delay of users' minutes.
-Quick Buttons were repositioned.
-Added "Note" column to Daily Logins tab and Logins report.
-Added option to restart or shutdown client computer in pay bill window.
-Added KCServerTimer and KCLoginProcess (critical processes-autorestart if terminated) termination log in system logs.
-'Money Deposits' operation filter has been added to the Operator Logs in logs.
-'Time Deposits' operation filter has been added to the Operator Logs in logs.

Version 1.7.3 (September 15, 2014)
Build 9.17.2014
-Added sound (to server) when client is connected.
-Added "Change Log" button to the About dialog box.
-Fixed: Duplicating a user will use the new password as login name.
-Minor fixes.
Build 9.15.2014
-Users' time will still run even when server is shut down. Bill will be automatically adjusted when server is started again. (Clients must be updated to 1.7.3)
-Added Mouse and Keyboard blocking feature. (Clients must be updated to 1.7.3)
-Added "Block mouse and keyboard on timeover, logout, pause, lock and out of order" option in SETTINGS-CLIENT OPTIONS-TIME OPTIONS. (Disabled by default)
-Added "Block/Unblock Mouse and Keyboard" menu item in Computer menu.
-Fixed: Krisan Cafe Client could be terminated if there is chat window and then clicking 'Close running applications' or 'Terminate All' in Remote Task Manager. (Clients must be updated to 1.7.3)
-Fixed: Turning off Print Monitoring will not turn off on clients.
-Added time buttons to custom time limit screen.
-'Paids' operation filter has been added to the Operator Logs in logs.
-'Pauses' operation filter has been added to the Operator Logs in logs.
-'Holds' operation filter has been added to the Operator Logs in logs.

Version 1.7.2 (August 27, 2014)
-Fixed: Krisan Client is lagging when not connected to server. (Clients must be updated to 1.7.2)
-Fixed: Preset Login not following the set rent type.
-Setting of dynamic rates is now hours:minutes format.

Version 1.7.1 (August 15, 2014)
Build 8.19.2014
-Minor fixes.
Build 8.15.2014
-Added selection of rent type in Preset Login.
-Added "Anti-Back Time" feature. If enabled, system time can't be set backward. (See in Settings-System)
-Enhanced and added cut off (daily) to Operator/Employee Daily Time Record report.
-Added Operator/Employee Daily Time Record to Automatic e-mail of sales report.
-Added "Run application upon log out" option. (See in Settings-Client Options, Clients must be updated to 1.7.1)
-Added "Run application upon paid" option. (See in Settings-Client Options, Clients must be updated to 1.7.1)
-Gamemenu (Program Launcher) will now autorestart if terminated. (Clients must be updated to 1.7.1)
-Can now reposition columns in grid view.
-Added "Active Application" column in grid view. Current user's active application (window title) in client will appear here. (Clients must be updated to 1.7.1)
-Added Payment Type buttons in client login. Registered users can now select postpaid or prepaid payment type.
-Added "Payment Type (Postpaid/Prepaid)" option in Settings-Client options.
-Added option to allow/disallow users on a usergroup to login (on client) to the allowed/disallowed rent type. (See in Settings-Pricing, Products and Services Settings-Minutes-Client Login column)
-Can now print and export(excel/text file) users list in users tab.
-Added "Soon to time" color coding. (See in Settings-Interface)
-Added "Preset Login" color coding. (See in Settings-Interface)
-Add User, Edit User and Duplicate User security issues has been fixed.
-Other fixes and enhancements.

Version 1.7.0 (August 1, 2014)
Build 8.6.2014
-Fixed: Allowable simultaneous login limit will pop up even when the set limit is on other usergroup.
-Fixed: "Remote Desktop must be started by Krisan Cafe Server" error message may pop up when starting Remote Desktop. (Clients must be updated to Build 8.6.2014)
-Other important fixes.
Build 8.4.2014
-Fixed: User's time may stop if computer is swapped from another user's computer.
-Fixed: Prepaid login with dynamic rate may automatically logged out even if there is still remaining minutes.
Build 8.3.2014
-Improved sending of Gamemenu (Program Launcher) config to clients.
Build 8.2.2014
-Packet error has been fixed.
Build 8.1.2014
-Gamemenu (Program Launcher) has been enhanced. (Clients must be updated to 1.7.0)
-Added Gamesaver feature. (Clients must be updated to 1.7.0)
-Added "Can delete Gamesaves" employee permission.
-Added "Restart Program Launcher" in Computer menu.
-Can now swap users' computer via the Transfer menu.
-Improved Print Monitoring feature. Added "Set TOTAL PAGES data as PRINTED PAGES data" option in Settings-Regional,Currency and Others. Check this if there is no print item appearing in PRINTINGS screen. (Clients must be updated to 1.7.0)
-Enhanced Logins report. Can now list items by computer name.
-Can now duplicate users (including their employee permissions if set) in users tab.
-Added "Can duplicate users" employee permission.
-Points, Total Minutes, Free Minutes and Free Minutes Counter info in users tab are now real-time.
-Improved editing of dynamic and scheduled rates settings. Can now rearrange/insert new rate setting.
-Can now duplicate selected usergroup-rent type minutes rates to one or more usergroup-rent type minutes rates in main Pricing, Products and Services screen.
-Administrators can now recover users' password.
-Other fixes and enhancements.

Version 1.6.0 (July 3, 2014)
Build 7.10.2014
-Stopping of time in Prepaid with dynamic rate (some Krisan users) when specified deposit is equal to more than 1 hour has been fixed.
-Added option to enable/disable Print Monitoring feature. (See in Settings-Regional,Currency and Others)
-Fixes with Print Monitoring feature. (Clients must be updated to 1.6.0 Build 7.10.2014)
-Added "Daily Employee Reports" to Automatic e-mail of sales report.
-Added "Can set permissions" employee permission.
-Set note's Alarm on login, Alarm on logout and Pop up will be unchecked as default.
Build 7.8.2014
-Fixed: On some Krisan users, Krisan server hangs when there is printing.
-Added Minutes Bill Rounding option. Example, users' minutes bill (normal rate / scheduled rate) will now appear like 5,10,15,20,25 and so on if you specify 5 in the Minutes Bill Rounding option. (See in Settings->Pricing,Products and Services)
Build 7.6.2014
-Corrected main screen size on server. (Applies to build 7.5.2014 only)
Build 7.5.2014
-Fixed: Can't reply chat in clients when Floating Minibill option is enabled. (Clients must be updated to 1.6.0 Build 7.5.2014)
Build 7.4.2014
-Minor fixes.
Build 7.3.2014
-Added cut off (daily) option for Computer Rentals and Sales report.
-Added cut off (daily) option for Detailed Products/Services Sales report.
-Added cut off (daily) option for Logins report.
-Added cut off (daily) option for Operator/Employee report.
-Added cut off (daily) option for Expenses/Cash Out report.
-Added "Can change daily report cut off" employee permission.
-Added sound (to server) when client is disconnected.
-Added system log when client is disconnected.
-Added confirmation for Shutdown, Restart, Logoff, and Sleep.
-Added "Hide 'To Pay' info on clients" option in Settings->Client Options. (Clients must be updated to 1.6.0)
-Added "Bonus Minutes" column to Grid View.
-Added "Bonus" info (remaining bonus minutes) on clients when bonus minutes is added. (Clients must be updated to 1.6.0)
-Can now print or save to file the Printings screen.
-Quickbutton for Employee Report has been fixed.

Version 1.5.6 (June 6, 2014)
Build 6.7.2014
-Fixed: "Hide Drives in my Computer" and other security options (below of it) not saving settings in Build 6.6.2014.
Build 6.6.2014
-Added "Floating mini-bill" option in Settings->Client Options. Check it if you want the mini-bill on clients to float above all windows. (Clients must be updated to 1.5.6)
-Added "Alert Server" option in Advance Alert in Settings->Client Options->Time Options.
-Advance Alert Message on clients has been changed to flashing message in the top corner of the screen. (Clients must be updated to 1.5.6)
-Added "Add bonus minutes" feature. (Can be disabled with Employee permission)
-Added "Can add bonus minutes" employee permission.
-'Bonus Minutes adds' operation filter has been added to the Operator Logs in logs.
-Added "Total Minutes" in Users screen. You will now know how many minutes your members had accumulated in your shop since the last "Total Minutes" reset.
-Pause login will now lock clients.
-Shutting down, restarting, logging off and other operations will now not require command prompt on clients to be enabled. You can now disable command prompt in Settings->Client Security-Other Windows Functions without problems. (Clients must be updated to 1.5.6)
-Fixed: Client station name in chat may appear different when in diskless mode. (Clients must be updated to 1.5.6)
-Email Reports feature has been improved.

Version 1.5.4 (April 19, 2014)
Build 4.26.2014
-Server and Client Terminate Protection feature has been added. (Server and client can't be terminated in Task Manager)
-Server and Client Exe Files Protection feature has been added. (Server and client executable files can't be renamed, modified or deleted when running)
-Fixed Remote Task Manager bug in Windows XP. If you terminate/terminate all with a window owned by explorer.exe in client computer, explorer.exe will be terminated, making Windows XP clients unusable)
Build 4.22.2014
-Error in setting of employee permission in version 1.5.4 has been fixed.
-Added "Can login postpaid" employee permission.
-Added "Can login prepaid" employee permission.
-Added "Can login turned off computer" employee permission.
-Added "Can shutdown server" employee permission.
Build 4.19.2014
-Preset Login feature has been added. Preset Login will wait the client computer to connect to server (ready to use) before logging in with the pre-specified login details.
-Recalculate Minutes (Postpaid) feature has been added. (See Edit Time/Bill->Recalculate Minutes)
-Minimum in normal rate now will not apply to dynamic rate. The first rate in dynamic rate can act as the minimum. Ex. minutes=1 rate=5
-Can now delete logins
-Can now delete logs (user logs, operator/employee logs, system logs, messages, print logs)
-Can now delete expenses
-Can now delete products/services sales
-Added "Can delete logins" employee permission.
-Added "Can delete logs" employee permission.
-Added "Can delete expenses" employee permission.
-Added "Can delete products/services sales" employee permission.
-Login info pop up not showing on some stations on item view has been fixed.
-Can now set Easy UI feature on and off in View menu. (See View->Item View Easy UI)
-Monthly sales tab employee permission has been fixed.
-Yearly sales tab employee permission has been fixed.
-Added "Can print lists/reports" employee permission.
-Added "Can export lists/reports to file" employee permission.
-Krisan Server and client crashing when there are network adapter issues has been fixed.

Version 1.5.3 (March 1, 2014)
Build 3.7.2014

-Added Postpaid denomination and custom price to custom time limit screen.
-Added "Can add postpaid denomination" employee permission.
-Added "Can remove postpaid denomination" employee permission.
Build 3.3.2014
-Prevented adding rent type with hyphen (-) character and "free" word. Rent type with hyphen character or "free" word will result in unexpected behavior.
-Changed the color of occupied stations in Item View to make it more readable.
Build 3.1.2014

-License registration code has been changed. For existing registered customers, please check your e-mail for your updated license code.
-Prepaid billing has been enhanced. Please update clients to 1.5.3.
-Fixed: Client will grab focus (minimizing full screen games) when killed/not enough CPU processing and then restarted.
-User's deposit in Users tab will now update when user is in prepaid, upon Paid/Clear and when adding deposits.
-Can now hide drives in "My Computer" on clients. (See Settings->Client Security-Other Windows Functions, Client must be updated to 1.5.3)
-Added option to hide the Krisan Cafe logo on client. (Licensed Professional Edition only, Client must be updated to 1.5.3)
-Added option to show the bill window when clicked on a logged out user. (See View->Show Bill window on click)
-Added option to open a URL/website upon client log in. (See Settings->Client Options)
-Added option to run an application upon client log in. (See Settings->Client Options)
-Advance Alert has been enhanced. Added option to play audible sound alert "YOUR TIME IS ABOUT TO END" on client. Alert message can now be turned off/on. Good if client is gaming. (See Settings->Client Options)
-Added Announcement posting. (See Tools->Post Announcement)
-Receipt printing has been improved.
-Will now save receipts for future printing.
-Receipt button has been added in Daily Logins tab, Logins Report, and User Histories screen.
-Can now simultaneously pay selected logged out users. Their total bill will show in the window. No need anymore to manually calculate the total bill of selected logged out users.
-Added "Refund" button in Bill window. Can now refund user's remaining deposit (not applicable on Prepaid Tickets).
-Added "Can refund deposit" employee permission.
-Added "Clear Receipt Cache" in Settings->System to delete all saved receipts.
-Added "Can add quick add sale list" employee permission.
-Added "Can remove quick add sale list" employee permission.
-Added "Can add prepaid denomination" employee permission.
-Added "Can remove prepaid denomination" employee permission.
-'Deposit Refunds' operation filter has been added to the Operator Logs in logs.
-Improvements and fixes.

Version 1.5.2 (February 10, 2014)
Build 2.12.2014
 - Fixed: (1.5.2 bug) Server may shutdown when clients are connected.
Build 2.10.2014
- Remote Desktop feature has been added. (See in Computer->Remote Desktop, Client must be updated to 1.5.2)
- Easy UI feature has been added. (Computer in Item view now have login, time limit and other common buttons)
- Can now remotely set mouse sensitivity level to client. (See in Computer->Adjust, Client must be updated to 1.5.2)
- Can now remotely set master volume level to client. (See in Computer->Adjust, Client must be updated to 1.5.2)
- Website restriction issue has been fixed.
- Remaining time in prepaid login using dynamic rate has been fixed.
- Server's possibility to stop listening for client connection has been fixed.
- Client update file's possibility to corrupt has been fixed.
- First time run basic price settings screen has been improved.
- Improvements and fixes.

Version 1.5.1 (January 22, 2014)
-Added online/offline icon in client's lock screen.
-Bug fixes in client.
-Added Server Uptime Report.
-Added Server Uptime to the status bar.
-Added current date and time to the logs tabs.
-Automatic Update not working on Windows with non-English codepage has been fixed.
-Client version info will now be displayed when a computer is clicked.
-Krisan Cafe Server CPU usage when idle has been improved.
-Can now check for updates in the About window.
-Added employee permission for "Check Updates" and "Install Updates".
-Added employee permission for "Add Computer", "Edit Computer", "Delete Computer", "Update Client" and "Lock Positions".
-"Add Computer", "Edit Computer", "Delete Computer", "Update Client" and "Lock Positions" will now record to logs.
-Can now reset computer positions (Item and Icon view) to default positions (Computer->Manage->Reset Positions).
-"Lock Positions" has been moved to Computer->Manage menu.
-Minor fixes.

Version 1.5.0 (January 01, 2014)
Build 1.9.2014
-Points and Free Hour promo issues has been fixed.
-Minor fixes.
Build 1.6.2014
-Unlocking, locking and setting to 'Out of Order' and 'Normal' status of computers will now record to the logs.
-Exiting of Krisan Cafe Client of computers from the server will now record to the logs.
-'Unlocks' and 'Client Exits' operation filter has been added to the Operator Logs in logs.
Build 1.3.2014
Payment type bug when logging in a newly created user (member) in the login user screen has been fixed.
-Dynamic rates entries has been increased from 15 to 500.
-Scheduled rates entries has been increased from 30 to 50.
Build 1.1.2014
-Remote File Manager feature has been added.
-Send File (drag files to send to server or client) feature has been added.
-Client Program Launcher (Application and game launcher) feature has been added.
-(Remote) System Information feature has been added.
-(Remote) USB Devices Information feature has been added.
-Logins Report has been added.
-Can now attach the bill of user to another user in pay bill window.
-Improved updating of Krisan Cafe clients.
-"Minutes Bill" column in grid view has been replaced with "To Pay". It will now display the total bill of a user in grid view.
-Fixed Remote Task Manager bug. If you terminate a window owned by explorer.exe in client computer, explorer.exe will be terminated, making Windows XP clients unusable.
-Remote Task Manager is now in Computer menu.
-Clients Screenshot feature is now available in FREE edition.
-Minor bug fixes.
This version is not available in auto updates.
Please download the installer at and overwrite your server and clients installations.
Happy new year everyone!!!:)

Version 1.4.1 (October 28, 2013)
-Incorrectly displaying (sometimes) of Turned On/Off status has been fixed.
-Added option to switch to Free Edition when Paid Edition Trial has expired.
-Modified the message for Free Edition users.
-Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.4 (August 19, 2013)
Build 9.19.2013
-Added option to change currency symbol.
-Added option to show/hide minibill on clients.
-Minor Fixes.
Build 9.1.2013
- Diskless / Multi-PC support has been added.
Build 8.27.2013
- Automatic e-mail of sales report has been enhanced.
Build 8.19.2013
-Automatic Update feature added.
-Expense report added.
-Visits report added.
-One-click closing of clients' running applications added.
-Added the "Close running applications" in Client Options->Time Options.
-Included option to show also hidden applications in task manager.
-Bandwidth monitor added.
-Minor client-server connection issues has been fixed.

Version 1.3.3 (June 21, 2013)
Build 7.28.2013
-Can now install client to standard user.
Build 7.11.2013
-International currency support.
-Client lock screen (not full screen) fixed.
Build 7.4.2013
-Dynamic Rate issue (not respecting the last rate) has been fixed.

Build 7.2.2013
-Cpu usage fixed.
-Minor fixes.
Build 6.29.2013
-Minor fixes.
Build 6.23.2013
Dynamic Rate settings improved.
-Minor fixes.
Build 6.21.2013
-Can now select Prepaid or Postpaid mode payment when logging in users.
-Item View of computer list added.
-Quick Add Sale screen added.
-Find Computer added for easy locating of computer.  (See in Computer menu)
-Added support for keyboard shortcuts.
-PC Status and Login Status-based computer list selection added. (See in Computer menu)
-Can now easily turn on all off computer. (See in Computer menu)
-Can now easily turn off all free computer. (See in Computer menu)
-Can now easily put to sleep all free computer. (See in Computer menu)
-Optimized menus for quick access.

Version 1.3.2 (May 25, 2013)
Build 6.2.2013
Minor fix.
Build 6.1.2013
Can now re-position computers in icon view.
-Can now set a background image to the computer list. (See Settings->Interface)
-Added option to enabled/disable rounding up of minutes bill. (See Settings->Pricing, Products and Services)
-Can now print or save to file most of the list boxes.
-Added quick access to help on most settings/function screens.
-Added Tips screen.
Build 3.15.2013
-Added Power Conservation feature. (See in Settings->Client Settings-Options)
-Added option to start/don't start Krisan Cafe Server on Windows startup. (See in Settings->System)
-Free Version was released

Version 1.3.1 (May 13, 2013)
-Computer list icon enhancement
-Added option to enable/disable over 20 Windows XP/Vista/7 Functions (See in Settings->Client Security)
-Automatic E-mail of Sales Report added (See in Settings-Others)
-Added the "Free" computer status
-Added the "Today's Total Cash" status
-Added option to automatically logout operator
-Added quick access buttons for logging out operator and shutting down Krisan Cafe Server
-Removed the trial window if days left is more than 5 days and runs left is more than 10
-Added the trial info to main window title bar
-Added the option to enable/disable automatic update checking (See in Help menu)
-Added the Krisan Cafe mark on client background
-Added option to unlock client if server is not running (See in Settings->Client Options)
-Swapped cafe name and computer name/number placement on client
-Enhanced performance
-Additional client backgrounds added
-Minor fixes

Version 1.0.4 (May 04, 2013)
-Client Order screen bug fixed.

Version 1.0.3 (May 02, 2013)
-Minor fixes

Version 1.0.2 (May 01, 2013)
-Order Screen improved
-Bill Screen improved
-Receipt printing added
-Client Background/Idlescreen/Desktop Background switch minutes changed to seconds
-Improved drag and drop support for adding purchases/sales
-User Login and Purchase history screen added
-Adding computer to list will now update to the current list font settings
-Improved Client order screen.
-Added pending order screen to Client
-Added total items and total amount in Detailed Product/Service Sales
-Computer list popup delay increased from 1 second to 2 seconds
-Added option to alert user xx minutes before their timelimit
-Added option to restart or shutdown client computer when logged out
-Added option to restart or shutdown client computer when paid

Version 1.0.1 (April 25, 2013)
-Installer Update

Version 1.0.0 (April 24, 2013)
-Release version